Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Buon Natale!

Ciao tutti!

I feel like I am writing too soon... if that is possible?  There are also people who write every day, and to be honest I don't even do that in my journal, haha.  I brought I think 14 journals with me, and have barely used half of one.  I have been so tired at night and I felt obligated to do so.  And if you know me at all, sometimes if I am obligated to do something, I just don't do it.  It makes me feel free to NOT do something. Lame I know, haha.  But anywho!  God is doing some AWESOME stuff I wanted to tell you about it.

First off, Buon Natale (Merry Christmas)!  I hope the season is treating you all well.  It is insane to think it is so close.  I did try to venture out to the mall here, and it was CRAZY.  If you think Wolfchase is bad (for you people in Memphis), you haven't seen anything. Haha.  It was incredibly stressful to even be in the mall, not even in the stores. Haha.  Christmas festivities have begun over on our side of the world.  Lauren, one of the girls from my apartment, went to IKEA and picked up a REAL Christmas tree, which I have never had before. haha.  The girls laughed at me when I was surprised you had to water it!  It has been beautifully decorated and also named Albert :) Last Friday (12/10), all the missional teams got together in our apartment and celebrated the holiday season.  The event was called "Soup and Sweaters".  So of course there were ugly Christmas sweaters.  Some of our team members printed out pictures of football teams they didn't like, making the sweaters "ugly" haha.  Others of us just made stuff out of cotton balls or found random decorations and pinned them to our clothing.  We also had a white elephant party; we shared non-funny gifts this year.  I got coffee :) We also sang Christmas carols, thanks to Robbie and his mad guitar playing skills. Haha.  We also had a rewrite of the "Twas the Night Before Christmas" read aloud to us.  Phillip, a guy from the agape team, rewrote the story and filled it with all of our names.  It was hilarious!  Haha.  We also had a time of sharing about what Christ is doing in our lives and how we have seen God's presence this year.  Also the reading of the true Christmas story, for the children.  Oh, and we had TONS of great food!  We had several soups, breads, salads, and desserts.  I decided to try and make red velvet cupcakes from scratch.  I of course made quite a mess, but they were sooo good.  It was great being able just to fellowship with our teammates in our home :)

God's presence has definitely been seen in my life recently.  Well, His presence is always with me, but just some really cool stuff has happened these past couple of weeks.  I have been able to form some greater relationships with the refugees I have met.  I usually have casual conversations with a few of the guys, but nothing very deep.  I have met a couple guys that I feel like Christ is really investing in.  I have also been able to share my testimony with one of the refugees who inquired how I got here.  I was able to relate my stresses of the Italian government into getting over here.  Of course they are nothing like what he has been through; but it was great to be able to tell of God's faithfulness.  I have also met another refugee from Romania, which I just think is really cool.  Most of the guys we work with are from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, or Somalia.  So when he told me he was from there it really sparked my interest.  I also learned that I know NOTHING about Romania, haha.  I think he may believe that I have lived under a rock for a good portion of my life.  So when I hear his story and get like really excited about stuff he says, he just laughs like "How do you not know this?".  Oh, and for all the people who have also been told that Latin is a dead language.  People are wrong, they speak it in Transylvania, Romania. Haha.  I have seen this refugee on a regular basis now.  He is usually at the tea serving on Sunday nights. And instead of me going and just hanging back and serving tea, I got to sit and talk with him and his friend.  It was a huge barrier being broken for me.  He also asked as to how I got here, finance-wise.  So I got to share my story about my supporters, my church, how God has provided and what I believe.  It was awesome!  We have several other things set up in these next couple of weeks.  So please be praying for strength and diligence in our team.  Tonight we are having a dinner with some of our Afghani refugees friends.  We will be able to share a hot meal with a few of the refugees we have met here.  So please be praying for that time; that it will be beneficial and relationships will continue to grow, that they may see why we are here and what we are about, the Love of Christ.  We have another refugee dinner next week with some of our Somali friends, and a nun who works with Somali refugees on a daily basis.  Also, we are attending outreach Christmas parties held by some of the churches we work with.  Our final event for this holiday season will be a Christmas Cookie party.  I am "in charge" of this one, so please be praying! Haha.  Our goal is to bake about 300-ish Christmas cookies.  We will have some decorated and some undecorated so that friends (whether they be English, Italian, refugee, etc.) will be able to decorate the cookies themselves.  We are praying it will be a time of great fellowship!

I always feel the need to share what my heart is learning through these times.  In my bible study life, I have finished the study on forgiveness, I highly recommend it. It is a great study on Christ's forgiveness of our sins, why we should forgive, and how to know if we have truly forgiven others. I am studying the book of Daniel.  I am going by Kay Arthur's "What the Future Holds"; 40-Minute Study.  I must say it is not what I expected.  I read the title and thought it was talking about the immediate future.  But it being focused on Daniel, it is speaking of the end times.  I must say I was a bit disappointed.  I have never studied the end times.  I just have always thought, "Well yes, the end times are coming and we must prepare for it; but God has control so there is no need to worry about it."  But then you must realize, the time we are in now, is but a tiny breathe in the means of eternity.  So we best start preparing now!  I would also add that I am really enjoying the study now that I have gotten into it.  It has truly sparked my interest, and I enjoying learning about it.  I am trying to make it last until my roommate comes back from holiday.  I am sending her out to find another Kay Arthur study while she is home in the States for a few weeks.  Another aspect of my heart has been discouraged with thoughts of the immediate future.  I find myself wondering what it will be like to be home.  Not to sound negative at all, I miss you all very much! But I wonder what I will do when I get home.  Because honestly coming home and going back to school seems very boring and not something I want to do.  Of course, I didn't want to go to school when I was home anyways. Haha. But I reminded of Matthew 6:34;  there is no reason to worry about tomorrow.  I honestly have enough going on today.  I am where I am supposed to be now, and God will place me where I am supposed to be in the future.  I have no doubt of that.  My heart is learning so much and hope it never ceases to hunger for that.  I know there is always so much to learn, because our brains cannot even fathom all that Christ is and has for us.

Anyways, that is what is going on on my side of the world!  I pray that your holiday season is filled with Joy from the Spirit and His presence.  I hope you are able to rejoice with friends and family.  I am praying for each one of you.  Thank you for all your support.

In His Love.

P.S. Please be praying for the city of Rome!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

You know you are from the south (of the U.S.) when...

Someone mentions seeing a beautiful rock formation in Corinth, and the first thing you think of is Mississippi.  Haha, just a funny thing that happened to me this week that I thought I would share; btw they were talking about Greece, not Mississippi :)

I hope everyone's thanksgiving holiday has treated them well!  We had several celebrations here in Rome, even though it is an American holiday.  Part of our missional team went out to the country for Thanksgiving, while the other group stayed in Rome.  I decided not to venture out to the country because of everything going on, I figured the rest at home would help.  On Thursday Robbie and I started out our day by handing out sack lunches to refugees, we only handed out about 7 because the usual center we go to was closed for the holiday (it is an American institution). Then we went over to one of our missional team family's house to begin festivities.  I watched the Macy's Parade on the computer with a few friends.  I haven't watched all of the parade in several years, I always get bored with them.  But this year it just reminded me of home, so I stuck through it.  I never realized how many stinkin high school bands played; it finally just became fighting to the end to see Santa, haha.  But we had a great time just in fellowship with each other with great food (as always in Italy) and sharing what we are thankful for.  It was a long day, but very fun.  The following Friday and Saturday the agape campus team was hard at work for their big celebration on Sunday.  The refugee team was able to serve an "American" meal with the refugees on Saturday and had yet another Thanksgiving with friends and people serving with us, along with a couple of refugee friends.  I was unable to attend because I was feeling under the weather but I heard it was a great time!  The following Sunday was a huge success with the agape team!  I got the privilege of being able to serve along side them in their work.  They set up a Thanksgiving dinner and had about 90 Italians attend the party!  It was many of theirs first time to celebrate the holiday.  I heard from one Italian friend that it was very impressive and delicious.  It was just a great time all around!  So we definitely had a great time.  This past Monday, Christmas threw up in our apartment! It is my first time having a real tree, I had no idea you had to water them!  Haha.  But it is very festive and beautiful.

In all honestly this time of year is harder than I would have expected.  I love Christmas, it is just hard being away from family.  But God definitely has a presence here.  I am hungering for Him more and more everyday.  Getting in His Word just isn't enough.  My heart is truly desiring my Father, and nothing is enough but Him.  Other things going on over here!  I was able to meet with the women's refugee group leader, and they sadly do not need help right now.  But I know God is opening all the doors I need to be in.  I have been able to start going to the university to participate with Agape Campus Crusade, and build great friendships there as well.  The partnership between Agape and the refugee team is growing and it is great to see and be a part of.  We are currently looking for places to begin physically working on the Reading Room.  We have started fund raising as well so please be praying for that!  There is so much going on and I feel like I just cannot type it all!  God is giving me strength and I know it is solely from Him.  He is stretching me, which is hard but great at the same time.  I feel like I am leaving out so much.  Just know that God is moving in what seem like small but just GREAT ways.  I am blessed to be able to speak with the refugees more openly and build friendships that way.  I hope that this blog makes sense because I have a small feeling it is all over the place.  I hope to post pictures on here soon, but have not been able to do so unless they are huge.  So I will try and work on that.  I hope everything is well at home, wherever your home may be.  Never forget who Christ is, what He has done, and what we are called to do.

In His Love.

1 John 4:19

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy One Month!

Ciao tutti!

I have officially been in Roma for one month now!  It is insane to think I left ya'll a month ago, it seems so much longer.  But at the same time it seem as if this time has flown by!  God is doing mighty things here!  I have continued working with the refugees of different surrounding nations.  The hope these men have could be a lesson to us all.  It is incredible hearing their stories.  I met a young man the other day who had arrived 5 days earlier from Afghanistan.  He travelled from Afghanistan to Iran, then through Greece onto one of the terrible boat rides making it to Rome.  He attempted going to France (I believe it was) but they sent him back, because this is where he has been finger printed by the police.  He told me his hopes of traveling to Norway or Sweden but was having problems with paperwork.  He and his friend also told me terrible stories of what happened to men, women and children who were sent home to their home country and how they were punished.  I've heard stories of slavery and/or the cutting off of body parts, to serve as punishment for the people who fled for a  better life.  THESE PEOPLE ARE SEARCHING FOR HOPE.  It is terrible hearing these stories, but it is awesome seeing how God is planting seeds, and we are the ones who get to help do that!  So awesome!

Our team finally met with Marianna, the nun who worked with the women's center.  She is very well-known in the Somali community, which is a huge step.  She is nothing like I expected.  I have seen so many nuns in Rome, that are dressed in the classic black and white outfit.  But she is not like this at all.  She has a great personality and heart for Jesus.  It is awesome to see her and her four sisters working for the Kingdom.  We got to interact with her ministry this past weekend by gathering together with refugees, Italians, and everything in between; and watching the movie Patch Adams.  Now I saw this movie a long time ago, but watching it in Italian was definitely different.  But it was a great chance to meet refugees and spend time there in fellowship.  I met another student in college who is from Chile who is working with the women's center as well.  I am supposed to start working with her this week and traveling out to that area to spend time with the women.  Also, starting tomorrow I will be working with a couple of my roommates from Agape campus crusade.  I have a couple of free days, and I will be spending some time up there with them.  They (agape) has been able to build great relationships and be witnesses for Christ on campus.  I'm really excited to get involved in that as well!

Now that I've got you up on the stuff going on around me.  I would love to share a piece of my heart and mind with you.  There are some days that just seem insanely busy, and some that are not like that at all.  Praise God for that, and Him knowing that we need the rest!  I love finding my rest and strength in Him, and knowing it comes from Him.  I am currently reading the book, Journey of Desire, by John Etheridge.  I am just now beginning on it, but it speaks about how we all have desire within our hearts, and how we try and fill it.  How so many times, we are afraid to follow our desires because of the fear of getting hurt from past pursuits.  Etheridge claims that without desire our heart is dead.  I am realizing how true that is, not only in the world but in our walk with Christ.  God desires us whole-heartedly, always.  We as believers, should and hope to do the same.  I want above all else to have that desire fulfilled, and to know God wholly, and I cannot wait for that day.  It is coming sooner than we know :)  I am so excited.  And I love the fact that I am desired but God.  God has chosen us, not only to love, but He also chosen us to be vessels for Him.  We don't have to be a part of God's plan, but He knows our desires and desires us to serve Him.  YOU ARE THE DESIRE OF CHRIST.  Don't you ever forget that :)

I got to see the Colosseum and Pantheon this week.  Talk about breath-taking.  Standing in the Pantheon entry, Rachel tells me, "Can't you just imagine Paul standing here".  It is an absolutely awe-struckening experience.  A part of the body of Christ from thousands of years ago, one whose stories are written in the Bible, stood where I did.  On this same floor, next to this same pillar.  It was just like "dang God, you are so awesome".  And the Colosseum was a bit the same way.  The audio guide I had told me to look over the edge, saying "This is were Christians were killed for their faith".  It is insane to stand there, a large sense of grievance came over me.  Knowing how blessed I am, to stand firm in my faith today, and know that God is the Protector, we are not alone.  Both of those sites were just breath-taking to me.  God just spoke to me there; I just can't even think of more adjectives to describe it.

I hope all is well with each one of you reading this.  I have a prayer meeting in about an hour with my team.  I am excited to hear more news about what the next steps are.  We did receive word that Kyros, an italian non-profit organization, is backing us in our reading center plans; which is such an answer from God!  It is so awesome to hear that!  The next steps are fund-raising.  If you would like to give I will provide the information below!  Either way please be praying for that!  I cannot wait to continue to see God move!  I love and miss you all, and am praying for you and your hearts.  Seek Christ above all else, do not forget how much He desires you.

Information on giving to the building fund:

Go to the website: http://iteams.org/give/
And follow the same procedure for giving; here is information you will need!

Designate for: Rome Refugee Center
Account #: 80US2248

You may enter the account number, along with Rome Refugee Center, in the designation box.
Please enter this in correctly, if you decide to give financially!

Isaiah 43: 1-4

"But now, this is what the LORD says— 
   he who created you, Jacob, 
   he who formed you, Israel: 
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; 
   I have summoned you by name; you are mine. 
 When you pass through the waters, 
   I will be with you; 
and when you pass through the rivers, 
   they will not sweep over you. 
When you walk through the fire, 
   you will not be burned; 
   the flames will not set you ablaze. 
For I am the LORD your God, 
   the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; 
I give Egypt for your ransom, 
   Cush and Seba in your stead. 
Since you are precious and honored in my sight, 
   and because I love you, 
I will give people in exchange for you, 

   nations in exchange for your life."

Monday, November 8, 2010

Greater things are yet to come!


I have been here almost a month now!  It is insane to think that!  I am so blessed to be a part of this ministry.  Just some notes from my last posting.  Joy (Gioia) is doing well!  She got out of the hospital about 4 days after she went in.  It was a very hectic time for the family, but they are doing well!  They (the doctors in Rome), do not think it is anything too pressing, but they are continuing to monitor her.  Thank you SO much for the prayers!  These past couple of weeks have been good!  The potential long-term couple has returned home and we have had one other visitor these past couple of weeks, all good company!  Our team is also now meeting once every two weeks for fellowship and prayer with each other.  During this time a couple people are sharing their testimony and we are praying specifically for them, as well as breaking off for each other personally.  It is great getting to know our team on a larger scale!  Our team has continued serving with the refugees.  Passing out lunches on Fridays, cooking and serving on Saturdays, as well as serving tea on Sundays to the refugees!  This past week, the other intern and myself went to an Italian church that our team members attend.  The message was awesome!  We also spent our Halloween observing it as the 500th year anniversary that Martin Luther came to Rome and left angered by how this holy city, was not following God's way at all.  It was and is a great reminder to me how we are to follow Christ in EVERYTHING, even if the city isn't.  I am called to be Christ-like despite everyone and everything else.  And not only that but I should want to, because of the love for my Savior.  He is so gracious to us, and sometimes it seems so easy to forget.  Yet looking at it, we don't even know when it happened.  But God forgives us, even when we stray.  HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!  It is just so cool to think about, and just His love for us.  So overwhelming, we can't even imagine.  So many times we think we get it, and then it is still like a zillion times more than that.  God is good :)

I am quite excited for everything that is happening this week!  I am working on some school stuff for my internship (which isn't technically fun, but very beneficial!)  Our team is also meeting with the nun who runs the center for women and children refugees.  We will be seeing her center as well as just spending some time in fellowship with her.  All things to be very excited about!  Also, we have begun looking at the logistical side of having a refugee center.  I know this can sound boring, but it is very cool to be a part of.  We did have an informational meeting about refugees and serving with them.  We had many representatives of different churches and organizations that night, probably around 40-50 people!  How awesome is that?!  I have also decided to start working with a different tutor named Enzo.  I am hoping working with him will help  a lot.  I did struggle in the other class, and I kind of felt like I was holding others behind.  But I am learning, some days it seems that I am quickly learning other days I feel like I know nothing.  Haha, but that hasn't been too much of a barrier!  I love how God breaks barriers!

On a more personal side, I am seeing God move here.  I can see Him teaching me so much, and it is just overwhelmingly amazing.  I have been able to hang out with the refugees more, by playing (or watching rather) the refugees play soccer, and just spending some time with the "folks" here.  I am praying for continued health in our team, and for open hearts for everyone, team members and refugees alike.  Please pray alongside of me in this.   Thank you again for being a part of furthering God's Kingdom, not only here in Rome but also where you are.  I am praying and thanking God for you daily!

In His Love.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Due Settimane (2 weeks)

Ciao!  I have officially been here almost two weeks.  Things are continuing to go well!  The new intern got settled in quickly, and already knows where more places are than I do!  But it's a blessing, haha.  I am slowly starting to learn my way around, and am picking up on the language a little more.   Yes, I'm just as shocked as you are!  Haha.  It is SO much easier through immersion.

This past Thursday, potential long-term teammates arrived in Roma, to check out what all was going on here.  They have been through a lot and have been on the mission field for about 9 years now.  But God has moved them out of their mission location and they are looking to see where God would like them next! So please be praying for them!  It is great to see them interacting with the refugees.  They can speak their language and are able to hold serious conversations with them for hours.  Such a blessing they are!  This past week has still be a lot of settling in and different things like that.  I have started taking a second level Italian "course".  It isn't really a course, but Agape has hired an Italian tutor to teach us; there are 3 students total.  I"m still unsure about whether I should be in beginner class or the "advanced" it was review but still I haven't done it since March, and it made me want to bang my head against a wall.  Something cool though, I believe my tutor works with the women's center I am hoping to work with.  It is ran by a nun, so I'm not sure of the religious standings in that area.  But they work with women and children refugees.

This week has been very tiring for me, but so beneficial!  We have spent a lot of time speaking with other team members and just being able to "share life" with each other.  It has been great hearing the testimony of our visitors!  We attended to feeding again on Friday, and it went rather quickly, but relationships and familiarity is being built!  On Saturday God was definitely among us!  We went to help at an Italian church, in preparing for a feeding at lunch time.  The women in charge of this ministry cook a hot meal and disperse it in a specific area.  After fixing about 80 lunches we were off!  It was great being able to serve all the refugees!  This is also the first time I really had conversations with the refugees.  I met several people from Afghanistan and Pakistan.   I would say a huge prayer request would be friendships being set up.  As I learned from a missionary friend, many men from these countries do not speak to women in a casual setting such as this.  So it is very different, somewhat making things difficult.  But God is breaking barriers!  I saw it with my own eyes that day!  Also, that day, we went with Tim to look at another potential spot for the Reading Center.  The area was very close to where refugees could walk and was very spacious and cheaper!  It would be a great fit for what we are trying to set up!  God provides!  Please continue to pray!
Sunday, was a very hectic day.  Joy (Tim and Rachel's daughter) hit her head severely, she is currently in the hospital having tests done.  PLEASE BE PRAYING.  They say she is making everyone in the place laugh, which sounds totally like her!  We had a dinner on Sunday for the entire agape team we are apart of (about 15 people).  We had delicious soup, dip, and meatballs.  Not to mention incredible pumpkin tiramisu!  sooo good!  After the dinner we went to served to the refugees.  I was able to talk to a woman who works with church planting in Roma, and who will be attending the seminar on refugees we are having on Sunday.  It was a hectic day, but good bonding time as a team.

Prayer Requests
Joy's tests would come back normal
Comfort for Tim, Rachel, & Joy
Openness in the hearts and minds of the refugees
Continued learning progress with the italian language
The Reading Center building
Praise to God for the work HE is doing here

If you have any prayer requests, please let me know!

EVERY tribe, EVERY tongue, EVERY nation.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Ciao from Italia!

I have made it safely to Roma, Italia!  My flights went very smoothly, praise to God for that one!  I arrived here on the 14th of October.  My first obstacle, finding Tim at the airport, haha!  After about an hour of carrying my junk around, dropping it on escalators and moving walkways, and trying to use my phone, I found him... or he found me rather! Haha!  I am sorry to not have written these past couple of days, it has been somewhat hectic!  So I will try to do a replay of these last few days and then stay on top of this better!

Thursday- I arrived in Italy!  Tim met me at the airport, it took a train ride, subway ride, and bus ride to get to my apartment!  Once there I met all of my roomies: Meg, Beccs, Lauren and Crystal; I am actually sharing a room with Crystal.  They are all super sweet!  After changing Tim and I went to meet Rachel (Tim's wife) to get Joy (their daughter) from school, and grab some lunch.  We went to Zaza's for pizza.  I can already tell ordering food in Italian will be an interesting experience haha.  After having lunch at Tim & Rachel's I went back to the apartment to finish unpacking and fight jet lag.  I lasted until about 6 pm Rome time (11 am Memphis time), before I could no longer form correct sentences.  So I went to sleep and got woken up for dinner (fajitas made by the roomies!) and went back to sleep.

Friday-  Friday I woke up super early, because of my weird sleep pattern.  I was able to dive into the book, Redeeming Love, an incredible recommendation by Chris in Elgin.  At around 11 I met Tim and we went to meet people from his home church, who were on holiday here, and we went to my first feeding.  We handed out about 150+ sack lunches to homeless people.  We only served one woman, the rest were men.  I was able to meet the pastor of the church doing this outreach.  Their church is very international.  The services are given in English; the pastor is very Scottish, and the woman in charge of the feeding ministry is from Ghana.  They make about 500 lunches a week and hand them out on Thursdays and Fridays.  Afterwards we (Tim, the couple from his church, and I) went to check out the potential site for the Reading Center.  Please keep this site in your prayers!  It looks very up in the air on the location right now!  On the way home, we went searching all over the place for a bus pass, we tried getting my paperwork, and then I got out euros from the bank.  After all this I got home, and Lauren took me to the grocery store.  It was not too bad, something I can handle I think.  That night I met with Tim and Rachel for dinner, so that we could discuss the upcoming seminar they were speaking at.  The seminar was at Rome Baptist church in the piazza.  We discussed what evangelism meant and how to explain it to Italians, which led to the discussion of what the Gospel means.  Just some great stuff!

Saturday-  This day was quite an adventure.  I tried finding my way to the bus stop... I didn't make it, haha.  But thankfully I had a phone were I could call Rachel.  I finally made it to a bus stop and waited.  While sitting there I met a refugee from Nigeria, very nice guy.  We discussed his thoughts on how Rome just doesn't care and how he likes everything here.  It seemed very basic but was really cool to me :)  After meeting Rachel we left and went to a women's ministry gathering at their home church.  It was a bit difficult for me, but nothing to bad.  We watched a movie on Esther and discussed how we have seen God move in our life.  Thankfully I had Rachel there, because it was all in Italian.  But I met some very passionate women there!   One of which I will be working with on Saturday's and Sunday's!  After the movie and dinner, Rachel and I headed home.  It was just a good time on the bus ride home, I feel like we just got to talk, which I feel we hadn't got to do, and I got to hear more of her story.

Sunday-  Yesterday we went to Rome Baptist, or Roma di Battista, for church.  Tim and Rachel were able to borrow someone's car so they came and picked me up.  I have decided I am terrified of Italian drivers... they are NUTS!   We ended up late to service, but it was still a good sermon on peace and the beatitudes, which laid some ground work for  our seminar that afternoon.  It was a very different environment, the pastor was very soft-spoken something I am definitely not used to!  But the people were very friendly and open with visitors such as myself.   After church, we met up with Trinity (a girl I met from the women's event) and we all went to a restaurant called "La Baguette". I ordered for the first time in Italian!  But all I said was "lasagna" and pointed haha.  Their lasagna is very different here, not nearly as rich as the U.S.'s version.  Afterwards, we returned to the church for the seminar.  The population in attendance was mostly women.  I found out the person in charge of the food ministry there is a woman, which can be worrisome if difficult circumstances arise.  Tim and Rachel spoke on what evangelism means, which the crowd answered to.  One of the answers was the gospel.   So we got in groups and talked about what we thought the gospel meant.  The people in my group kept saying, it means good news.  So I tried breaking down, well yes but what IS the good news.  So we started discussing God's love.  Then we all got together and discussed the importance of the gospel and what it means.  We discussed how relational evangelizing is and different things like that.  Tim also discussed different safety tips, that I made note of for myself.   Afterwards I headed home for a few hours to rest before a feeding.  At around 8:15 Meg and myself left for the train station.  We met up with others and served hot tea to about 75+ refugees from different places, the ones I spoke to were from Iran and Afghanistan.  Just another awesome time!

So that is about it up to here, I would upload pictures but left my camera cord at home... so I will try my best to get it!

Prayer Requests:
Safe travel for the next arriving intern today
God's direction in what specific ministries to be involved in
The availability of the Reading Center
Openness of the hearts of the refugees and homeless individuals we encounter

In His Love.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Let me tell you how GREAT my God is!!!!

I haven't written in awhile, its been hectic in Memphis, TN for me.  I originally declined for my student that I needed to be able to "stay" in Italy.  I quickly started looking for how I could work around this.  The team leaders, Tim & Rachel Uthmann, and myself started brain storming for different ways to allow me to stay within in the time frame we had arranged.

This past Friday, I called the Italian consulate preparing myself to be completely frustrated with the woman on the other end of the telephone line.  I called and started talking about what was going on with my visa, saying I AT LEAST needed my passport so I could go for three months at least.  But the woman calmly asked for my name and looked up my information.  Her response was, "Oh yes, student passport?  You're approved.  We have spoken to the people in Italy, your request has been granted".  I was SPEECHLESS.  How great is our God?! I immediately began calling everyone and praising God for moving in such an awesome way!

Well, Tuesday afternoon rolled around, and I was sure my visa would be in the mail.  And it wasn't.  I was frustrated thinking "Well where the heck is it", "what do I do next?", and every question in between.  But Christ kept me calm through all of it.   My mom and I began calling, and the post office said to call in the morning to see if it had made it.

I got woken up this morning (Wednesday, Oct 13, the day of departure) by my mom telling me that my visa wasn't here.  So that meant I had to cancel my flight, and wait all over again.  So of course I did the most logical thing... just stayed in bed. (Ha!)   I then got a phone call from Don Gilbert, asking me about my trip and flight plans.  I decided to get up and see what "game plan" my mom had.  After trying to call the Italian Consulate, with no luck of an answer on the other of the wire, I just started getting ready like I planned on.  As soon as I got out of the shower, my mom said that she got a hold of the consulate but that it was not at the post office.  I asked once again, "so what should I do..."  My mom's response?  "Just get ready, and pray.  In fact, let's pray right now."  So my mom began praying, her prayer was literally this, "Lord, we know you know where the visa is"  JUST THEN, the phone rang.  It was the post office, they had found my visa!  It was 8:26.  We rushed to the post office and grabbed it then got to the airport.  How awesome is God!!!!!  He is the Great Provider!!!!!

God is just incredible!  I am currently sitting in the Charlotte, NC airport, waiting to board for Roma, Italia.  I will be boarding in twenty minutes!

Thanks to everyone for their prayers and support!  I love you all so much, and I am so glad you are apart of my sending team!

Psalm 46:10
      "Cease striving and know that I am God; I WILL be exalted among the nations, I WILL be exalted
       in the earth."

In His Love!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Home Again!

I have returned home, from Elgin!  I had a great week!  God really confirmed for me that International Teams is where I need to be.  The staff there was great and so helpful!  I only had one roommate, who was a blast!  Her name was Mary and she is working against human-trafficking in Grand Rapids, Michigan!  There was a group of about 25 of us in training.  There was a team going to Tunisia, a family going to Yemen, plus others going to places such as Greece, Bolivia, Grand Rapids, Fort Wayne, Turkey, and I think I've covered them all.

We were given a set amount of food to go grocery shopping with and had lunches together.   Our first night we had a progressive dinner.  This is when we start out in one apartment with one course, then move to a different apartment for each following course.  We had delicious salad, bread, spaghetti, and dessert.  The dessert was mine and Mary's job.  We made cupcakes and brownies, which appeared to be a huge hit. It was a great time of fellowship and learning.  A group of us ate with no hands for spaghetti, as practice for different types of culture! Haha!

Our classes each day started with devotionals and learning about different missionaries around the globe, as well as lessons on salvation throughout the bible.  We had cross-cultural communications each day as well as a variety of other topics!  The activities and lessons, I feel have definitely better equipped me for the mission field.

Also, Pat Tucker was a huge help in working with me in the visa situation!

Now, being back home I"m just working on getting my visa together to send off!

God is SO good!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

On the Road!


After being in the car for 14 hours yesterday I am currently sitting in Chicago, IL.  My step-dad drove me and we made a stop in Franklin, TN to meet with a representative of the Italian consulate.  It surprisingly was in a home!  But it was a quick meeting, maybe 10 minutes long and that is including the wait time.  Leaving I was thinking, "We drove an extra few hours for this?"   But then I realized I am glad it didn't take any longer because then I would have been in on the road even longer!

I am now preparing to head to Elgin for training with International Teams.  I will be there for a week with other missionaries in training.  I am truly excited to see what God will do, what I will learn, and what He will reveal to me as well as my team!  Please be praying for openness in my heart and mind to learn, unity as a team as we learn together, and for Christ just to just bind satan back.  He has already tried getting a foothold but my God is bigger than that!

I will keep you updated as much as I can!

Oh! More great news!  I have been officially approved for a student loan for my trip!  If you would still like to give please do so!

Monday, August 30, 2010

God is SO Good!

The BBQ fundraiser went great!   I was blessed with receiving over $1,000 in donations! I am now at about 58% of my funding!  God is so good!  Please continue to pray!  I know God will provide it!

If you would still like to give financially to this trip, the deadline is September 1!  If you feel led to do so, thank you so much!

I am getting so excited for what God is doing and will do!

Thanks for the support!

Friday, August 13, 2010



I am currently working on my homework for training in Elgin, IL.  One of my homework assignments is to interview someone who is a new immigrant to the United States from Italy!  I do not think I know anyone like that!  If you do please let me know, so I may get in touch with them!  Thanks!

In His Love.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


God is so awesome!  I had my final meeting with my proctor from the University of Memphis who is overseeing my internship through international teams.  Our meeting was quick in the sense that we got everything done with no problems!  I am registered for everything that I need to be school-wise.  Also, I thought I had to do additional work for the class, but it turns out not to be too bad!  Also, a blessing!

Please continue to pray for my Visa application.  My proctor has agreed to send a letter to the Italian embassy if need be to help me get into the country for a longer period of time!  The letter will simply state that I am able to use this mission trip for school credit!  My funding is also coming along more swiftly! I have less than a month to get the rest of my money either pledged or fully funded, so PLEASE be praying for that as well!  I can't wait to see how He will provide!

In His Love,


Sunday, August 1, 2010



Just thought I would give an update of everything going on with preparation for my trip!  God has been so good!  I was getting a bit discouraged with the fact that funding was not happening too much.  I was completely reliant on God to move but in the nature of my humanness it was frustrating.  But God has definitely revealed His power and awesomeness this week and has definitely reminded me of His glory and how much He will provide!  I am currently at 17.6% of all my funding.  This includes one time gifts as well as pledges.  If you feel led to give you may do so through iteams.org/give or can mail it in!  You can do donations or pledges, either way!

Also, if you know of anyone who is need of "odd jobs" being done and is willing to aid in bringing Christ's love to the people and refugees of Italy.  Please let me know or give them my information!

More great news, I was able to speak to/Skype with Rachel Uthmann today, the wife of the family I will be working with in Italy.  We discussed funding as well as visa applications.  I have spoken with the Italy consulate and originally believed I would have to make an additional trip to Detroit, MI to fill out my application.  But thanks be the God that I only have to travel to Franklin, TN to apply and then send off the application.  I have also received my homework to begin training for my internship, everything is just beginning to fall into place!

With my internship so obstacles are coming up, but nothing God can't take care of!  I have spoken to my advisor at the University of Memphis who approved me to apply for the internship class.  But she is saying that it may not work to be eligible for the University of Memphis.

Some prayer requests!
-God would just continue to teach and guide me in a spiritual aspect for my trip
-God would continue to provide funding in any way possible for my trip (I have learned not to put God in a box with this!)
-All of the visa information would "pan out" and it would be no trouble at all
-The new program being constructed in Italy, and the team that already is and will be over there
-Basically, "Lord do what you do!"

God is so good!  I cannot wait to see not only what He does while I am there, but also in preparing me for this trip!  He has been revealing His character and power and greatness, nothing like it!

In His Love,


"I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand.  I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness."-- Isaiah 42: 6-7

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Hey ya'll just wanted to throw out a reminder to those of you who have spoken to me about being able to give financially for my trip.

First of all, thank you so much!!!! I truly am incredibly grateful for you being able to and answering God's call to give!!

If you still plan on giving my deadline is August 15. If you need to do it at a later date please message/text/call me about it. I just really need to know where I am financially for this trip. If you have given already please let me know. I do not need to know the amount I just want to make sure all donations have been credited to me.

Also, just a reminder that there is the option to give monthly if you choose to do so. I believe there is a way to specify that online; I know for sure you can if you do it through the mail.

I do have some good news! I found out (reread more closely rather) that I only have to have the first two months as well as training costs by this deadline. I just need to have the rest of it pledged before I leave.

If you cannot give, I understand. PLEASE be praying for God to bless this trip, not only financially but in every aspect of what He has called me to do. Also, that He would just provide opportunities to create funding.

If you know of anyone needing work done, and would be willing to donate financially as compensation please let me know!

In His Love,


Amount Needed by August 15: $5,000
Monthly Pledges Needed: $2,000 per month
Total Amount Still Needed: $14,100

Tuesday, July 6, 2010



So my garage sale went great!  God is SO good!  I was able to raise $750 from that fundraising event.  I currently now have $1,750!  That means I still need $14,250.  I realize that this is more than the number I had told you in the last post, I honestly don't know if I was just terrible with subtraction or what, but this is the correct amount remaining.  Please be praying for the funding to come through.  If you feel led to give the link is down below.  Also, if you know of anyone needing "odd jobs" (i.e. babysitting, house sitting, pet sitting, cleaning, organizing, etc.), who would be willing to donate the money they would have paid me to International Teams for my trip, please let me know!  I have 2 months left to raise the money!

I have finally finished my internship contract for my trip, pertaining to the University of Memphis.  I am also working towards the application for short-term missions at my home church, Central Church in Colliierville.  I am trying to really get ready for everything, I have about 3 months left until I leave for Italy, so be praying for God to provide and prepare in EVERY way.

In His Love.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


So I am really praying about my funding for this trip!  So far I have raised $900, leaving me with about $11,100 more to raise, but GOD WILL PROVIDE!  And I can't wait to see how!  Next weekend (June 25 & 26) I will be having a garage sale where all funding will go to my trip.  If you have anything to donate let me know, or just come to my mom's house if you would like to browse all the stuff :)  I have been able to get more prepared mentally and spiritually I believe as well.  God is revealing how to work with people of all ages, in situations I will believe I will encounter.  I have also figured out my room arrangements!

Please continue to pray, love you all.

In His Love,


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Online Donations!

So as awful as this is, the link I have put in my support letters for online donations is no longer up on the website! I'm so sorry if you were trying to donate online, here is correct link:

Thank you so much for reading, and if you choose to do so, donating!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Now that I have finished school I am finally able to put my complete focus on my mission trip to Italy!  Praise be to God for that season of life being over!  I have just sent out my support letters to 78 people!  I cannot wait to see what God is going to do!  If you would like to support me either prayerfully or financially, please let me know!

I am also working on the final touches of the educational contract for my nonprofit internship through the nonprofit administration at the University of Memphis.  My proctor has approved my mission trip as an internship since it is a part of a 501(c)(3) organization.  I'm having to work creatively with my proctor in Memphis as well as the the couple in Italy, Tim and Rachel Uthmann, who I will be working with.

Also, I am having a garage sale in Memphis, to raise financial support for my trip so be sure to stop by!  If you have anything you would like to donate please get in contact with me!  I am willing to come and pick it up or meet you if need be!

In His Love & Thanks for Reading!