This past Thursday, potential long-term teammates arrived in Roma, to check out what all was going on here. They have been through a lot and have been on the mission field for about 9 years now. But God has moved them out of their mission location and they are looking to see where God would like them next! So please be praying for them! It is great to see them interacting with the refugees. They can speak their language and are able to hold serious conversations with them for hours. Such a blessing they are! This past week has still be a lot of settling in and different things like that. I have started taking a second level Italian "course". It isn't really a course, but Agape has hired an Italian tutor to teach us; there are 3 students total. I"m still unsure about whether I should be in beginner class or the "advanced" it was review but still I haven't done it since March, and it made me want to bang my head against a wall. Something cool though, I believe my tutor works with the women's center I am hoping to work with. It is ran by a nun, so I'm not sure of the religious standings in that area. But they work with women and children refugees.
This week has been very tiring for me, but so beneficial! We have spent a lot of time speaking with other team members and just being able to "share life" with each other. It has been great hearing the testimony of our visitors! We attended to feeding again on Friday, and it went rather quickly, but relationships and familiarity is being built! On Saturday God was definitely among us! We went to help at an Italian church, in preparing for a feeding at lunch time. The women in charge of this ministry cook a hot meal and disperse it in a specific area. After fixing about 80 lunches we were off! It was great being able to serve all the refugees! This is also the first time I really had conversations with the refugees. I met several people from Afghanistan and Pakistan. I would say a huge prayer request would be friendships being set up. As I learned from a missionary friend, many men from these countries do not speak to women in a casual setting such as this. So it is very different, somewhat making things difficult. But God is breaking barriers! I saw it with my own eyes that day! Also, that day, we went with Tim to look at another potential spot for the Reading Center. The area was very close to where refugees could walk and was very spacious and cheaper! It would be a great fit for what we are trying to set up! God provides! Please continue to pray!
Sunday, was a very hectic day. Joy (Tim and Rachel's daughter) hit her head severely, she is currently in the hospital having tests done. PLEASE BE PRAYING. They say she is making everyone in the place laugh, which sounds totally like her! We had a dinner on Sunday for the entire agape team we are apart of (about 15 people). We had delicious soup, dip, and meatballs. Not to mention incredible pumpkin tiramisu! sooo good! After the dinner we went to served to the refugees. I was able to talk to a woman who works with church planting in Roma, and who will be attending the seminar on refugees we are having on Sunday. It was a hectic day, but good bonding time as a team.
Prayer Requests
Joy's tests would come back normal
Comfort for Tim, Rachel, & Joy
Openness in the hearts and minds of the refugees
Continued learning progress with the italian language
The Reading Center building
Praise to God for the work HE is doing here
If you have any prayer requests, please let me know!
EVERY tribe, EVERY tongue, EVERY nation.