Wednesday, December 1, 2010

You know you are from the south (of the U.S.) when...

Someone mentions seeing a beautiful rock formation in Corinth, and the first thing you think of is Mississippi.  Haha, just a funny thing that happened to me this week that I thought I would share; btw they were talking about Greece, not Mississippi :)

I hope everyone's thanksgiving holiday has treated them well!  We had several celebrations here in Rome, even though it is an American holiday.  Part of our missional team went out to the country for Thanksgiving, while the other group stayed in Rome.  I decided not to venture out to the country because of everything going on, I figured the rest at home would help.  On Thursday Robbie and I started out our day by handing out sack lunches to refugees, we only handed out about 7 because the usual center we go to was closed for the holiday (it is an American institution). Then we went over to one of our missional team family's house to begin festivities.  I watched the Macy's Parade on the computer with a few friends.  I haven't watched all of the parade in several years, I always get bored with them.  But this year it just reminded me of home, so I stuck through it.  I never realized how many stinkin high school bands played; it finally just became fighting to the end to see Santa, haha.  But we had a great time just in fellowship with each other with great food (as always in Italy) and sharing what we are thankful for.  It was a long day, but very fun.  The following Friday and Saturday the agape campus team was hard at work for their big celebration on Sunday.  The refugee team was able to serve an "American" meal with the refugees on Saturday and had yet another Thanksgiving with friends and people serving with us, along with a couple of refugee friends.  I was unable to attend because I was feeling under the weather but I heard it was a great time!  The following Sunday was a huge success with the agape team!  I got the privilege of being able to serve along side them in their work.  They set up a Thanksgiving dinner and had about 90 Italians attend the party!  It was many of theirs first time to celebrate the holiday.  I heard from one Italian friend that it was very impressive and delicious.  It was just a great time all around!  So we definitely had a great time.  This past Monday, Christmas threw up in our apartment! It is my first time having a real tree, I had no idea you had to water them!  Haha.  But it is very festive and beautiful.

In all honestly this time of year is harder than I would have expected.  I love Christmas, it is just hard being away from family.  But God definitely has a presence here.  I am hungering for Him more and more everyday.  Getting in His Word just isn't enough.  My heart is truly desiring my Father, and nothing is enough but Him.  Other things going on over here!  I was able to meet with the women's refugee group leader, and they sadly do not need help right now.  But I know God is opening all the doors I need to be in.  I have been able to start going to the university to participate with Agape Campus Crusade, and build great friendships there as well.  The partnership between Agape and the refugee team is growing and it is great to see and be a part of.  We are currently looking for places to begin physically working on the Reading Room.  We have started fund raising as well so please be praying for that!  There is so much going on and I feel like I just cannot type it all!  God is giving me strength and I know it is solely from Him.  He is stretching me, which is hard but great at the same time.  I feel like I am leaving out so much.  Just know that God is moving in what seem like small but just GREAT ways.  I am blessed to be able to speak with the refugees more openly and build friendships that way.  I hope that this blog makes sense because I have a small feeling it is all over the place.  I hope to post pictures on here soon, but have not been able to do so unless they are huge.  So I will try and work on that.  I hope everything is well at home, wherever your home may be.  Never forget who Christ is, what He has done, and what we are called to do.

In His Love.

1 John 4:19


  1. Hey! It's josh. So glad to read that everything is going so well. I loved the part about your hunger for the lord. That's really what its all about isn't it? Thinkin about ya and praying for ya. Let us know if you need anything. I just thought about sending you a care package for Christmas. I'll talk your mom about it but if there is something you need let us know!

    Fathers blessing on you today.

  2. Love this line: Never forget who Christ is, what He has done, and what we are called to do.

    Amen, sister!!
