Thursday, April 14, 2011

Countdown: 3 Weeks & 8 1/2 weeks!

It is insane to think that in less than 3 weeks from today I will be back in America; back to Cordova, Tennessee.  I get to drive again!!!! Who wants to be in the car for THAT first experience, eh? Haha.  I can't believe my time is coming to a close.  I remember when I got here and it "hit me" that I would be here for 7ish months.  I FREAKED OUT. haha. It was very overwhelming, and insane to think about, and now the time has come to return home.  I'm not quite sure I am ready for it.  But let's rewind a little bit...

Last time I wrote I was headed off to Athens, Greece for a week to spend time checking out the refugee ministry with Iteams.  First off let me say, Athens is GORGEOUS.  It is so cultural, I honestly felt like I was in Greece, in a foreign country.  I can't say that I always say the same for Italy, haha.  I also realized how much Italian I knew, because I kept trying to respond to people in Italian when they spoke Greek or Farsi to me. Haha.  It was such an incredible experience.  When I first arrived my bags were dropped off at the apartment I was staying at and I was immediately taken to a Persian New Year Party.  I had no idea what to expect.  I was greeted by my two roommates, and a group of about 7 women who were celebrating this day.  There were also lots of children around, most of them girls who love to dance.  Although I have worked with refugees from North African cultures this was definitely different to me, because I have not interacted much with women and children.  It was such a change of pace; but so wonderful.  International Teams has a building in Athens where they host meals, preach sermons in Farsi, provide showers, and help families with food and clothing.  The men and women ministries are very distinguished from each other.  As in many Muslim/North African cultures, men and women do not associate in public together.  They also have two different ministries for children.  One for children 5 years old and above, and then they have a "nursery" for children.  During my time in Greece, I worked with the children the most.  About half of my time there I had a kid on my hip (props to moms; kids are so stinkin' heavy!).  I particularly spent a lot of time with a mother and her two younger twin girls.  We celebrated together, spent afternoons together, and just shared life.  I remember leaving at the end of the week, and tearing up having to say goodbye to them; and that was just a week!  It is insane how God was pulling on my heartstrings there.

Christ has continued working on my heart more and more this past month.  I can probably recite in my sleep Matthew 28:19, "Therefore, GO and MAKE disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."  It is not a calling to go, it is a command.  Every single Christian reading this blog right now has been commanded to go and make disciples.  It is not an option.  I have heard that several times growing up, but it is becoming reality to me now.  What does that look like?  What does making disciples look like?  To me, it is investing your time in the lives of brothers and sisters in Christ to help them grow in the Lord.  We are to make disciples who make disciples, according to David Platt.  (BTW you should check out his book, "Radical", so great!)  But they aren't following us, they are following Christ.  But in order to make disciples we need to know what it means to be a disciple; we have to be discipled.  We can't keep pouring out if we aren't being poured into!  A final point in that verse that sticks out to me is "baptism".  Now there is always controversy about baptism, is it necessary, why is it necessary, what is the point... etc.  Everyone has their views.  The bottom line of being baptized is to show the world what you believe.  And shouldn't you be doing that daily anyways.  Our daily lives should be a constant display of our devotion to Christ.  It's not a one time deal.  Which leads me to the next thing God has been teaching me about, being Spirit-filled.  

I have been reading and learning about the Holy Spirit so much during my time here.  Another advertisement coming, I definitely recommend the book "Forgotten God" to any and everybody!  So great, by an awesome guy named Francis Chan.  Okay, advertising over, back to the good stuff :)  I have always known the scripture that speaks about being "Spirit-filled", but God has been bringing the that Truth to life for me.  I was recently listening to a sermon by Francis Chan titled, "The Joys of Being Spirit-Filled".  Chan was speaking from Ephesians 5:18, "Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit,".  Francis starts by discussing what it looks like when someone is drunk; how you just know it.  Someone who has been drinking has a distinct way of acting, living, talking, even smelling.  Even in a room full of people, you can identify who it is by their actions, their talk, etc.  We should be the same as disciples of Christ.  Each one of us who claims Jesus should REEK of Him.  Our attitude, our actions, our talk, everything should be different and evident of Christ. "If we claim to be Christians and our life doesn't look drastically different, there is a problem." (Francis Chan).

Along with teaching me about making disciples and being Spirt-filled, he has shown me the most important component of that which is love.  He has revealed that truth to me in my daily life and is teaching me about it daily.  In 1 Corinthians 13 there is the ever-popular verse "Love is patient, love is kind..."  Most recently God has highlighted a specific portion of that passage.  "Love is not quick to become angry".  He is daily taking a specific portion of that passage and revealing the reality and truth of it in my daily life.  How do we live out this holy love we proclaim to have and desire to show.  How do we live in His love and show it well to others?  He is still teaching it to me, and it has been shown in new lights on how to act it out, and what it looks like for His people.

You are probably wondering about the countdown of 8 1/2 weeks...
I have more great news!
These past 7 months I have been living with the Campus Crusade Agape Women in Rome.   My current work with International Teams: Rome, has also formed a partnership with this organization.  Therefore, I have been able to work a great deal with this team and see them evangelize and share God's love all over Rome.  Between that, what God has been teaching me lately, and being encouraged by my team members I decided to apply for Summer Project with Campus Crusade.  I have been accepted to work with a team in Grand Traverse City, Michigan!  I will be there from June 11-August 6.  While I am there, I will receive intentional training in leadership and evangelizing with other students on campus, as well as individuals in the workplace.  I will be able to receive a job in Grand Traverse Bay, to build relationships and share the love of Christ with people in my community.  So far the team has about 40 students from around the United States and the number is growing!  I am so excited to see what God will teach me individually as well as our team!  I will be staying on campus at North Western Michigan University with all of my team members and staff.  Daily we will be equipped and challenged to share the love of Christ; engaged in discipleship with individuals from our community, continue to be stretched in what God has in store for each of us to learn this summer through prayer, worship, bible studies, and evangelism.  I ask for your prayers during this time as I am having to raise support for this trip.  

I will need $3,500 for this trip to be possible.  If you would like to give financially please let me know! I also need partners in prayer for this trip!  I know God has big plans for it!  I would love for you to be a part of my sending team this summer!

Here is info if you would like to give financially!

Send a check designated to "Campus Crusade for Christ".  Send it to my address:
144 Plantation Gate Cove, Cordova, TN 38018


Go to: and under "Give a Gift" type in my Designation Number: 5617863

See many of you very soon!

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